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Thought Of The Day

Setting goals, being focused and going the extra mile when others give up or give in. There is not a single person that has achieved success that has had a perfect, flawless life. They are all as human and fallible as we are, no magic wands or secret potions, just knowing what it is you really want and going for it. Plot your journey to success.

Los Balcones


What a scorcher at Zoco market this afternoon, sweat dripping off you, very uncomfortable, but hey must not complain cos thats one of the reasons why we are here.
Not too many people about and all the stall holders were all moaning about the lack of sales. Compared to last year the takings are lower and they are all concerned as this should be the best time of the year for tourists.


This week is the last week in July, so there may be a big increase in visitors as schools are now out in England. Saying that the whole year has been a bit quite.
I too agree Zoco was very hot on Sunday but it didn't stop my wife from spending lol

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-25 10:54:59 UTC

We all hope the holiday influx of tourists will help the flaging economy get out of the doldrum. I would agree with you Chalk Face that this year has been a lot quieter than the previous year, however we all need to be optimistic as things will inevitably improve in 2012/13.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-25 15:01:36 UTC

I was out and about today in the the main tourist areas of Villamartin, La Zenia & Playa flamenca and I could not believe the lack of people around. The majority of the bars & restaurants were not full and I feel for all these businesses as this should be the busiest time of the year for them.
Hope things start to pick up as things are not looking too good at the moment.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-26 12:13:57 UTC

I agree almoradilife but you can only be optimistic for so long. Looking at the news around the world and listening to our Spanish customers, it looks like the only good thing about this year is that its better than next.
Hope Im proved wrong

Chin up its fiesta.
So do what the Spanish do, party now and worry later.

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-26 17:32:39 UTC

I am always optimistic and I really believe it will get better especially after next years spanish general election. We cannot go any further backwards as the country will fall into the same trap as Greece, which I am positive will not happen. Anyway as you say lets enjoy the fiestas and worry about it after.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-27 18:41:40 UTC

solar water heater import

I import and sell solar water heaters on the Costa Blanca made by Audary New Energy which has been producing quality products for more than 10 years, exporting all over the world.

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New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.


New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.


New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.


New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.

Vejer de la Frontera

New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.


New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.


New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.
